RAZI INSTITUTE is a dynamic, multi-dimensional, training & placement organization. We have evolved a unique blend of training programs, which are structured to provide effective career solutions to the youth. RAZI INSTITUTE have direct contact with MNCs and private organizations for which we recruit people. This not only helps us place students, but also structure the training programs to suit the needs of the corporate. RAZI have an eminent Advisory Board, which provides direction and guidance on the course design and developmental delivery process. Our primary strength is our ability to understand the aspirations, needs and potential of the youth.
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Job Oriented Courses
Students Place Over Pan India
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To become centre of excellence in technical education,training and research and to occupy a place amongst the most eminent institutions of the nation.
We “RAZI INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERING” is intended to mold expert professionals to work with the world’s oil and gas,petroleum,petrochemical sectors. To build across the institute a culture of excellence in teaching and learning with needed performance and accountability from all support activities. To enhance the institute standing as the institute of choice for students across the country; and to augment the presence of international students to at least ten percent of student body. To cultivate a field in which new ideas, research and scholarship flourish leading to emergence of creators, innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs. To design the education through a continuous process so that the students qualifying from the institute have the top rating in placement across the worldwide petroleum companies. To achieve excellence in application-oriented research in selected areas of technology to contribute to the development of the region and the nation. To develop responsible citizenship through awareness and acceptance of ethical values.

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Kerala, 676552(pin)
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