NDT Technology

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) are methods that do not damage the parts being tested. NDT uses various inspection techniques to assess individual or group components. By employing different principles from physics, chemistry, and mathematics, NDT can test components without causing destruction to the parts being tested. Mostly NDT people are reporting to QA QC department. NDT can also be referred to as non-destructive evaluation/examination (NDE) or non-destructive inspection (NDI). The role of NDT in Oil and Gas and other construction industries is very important. parallel to the construction and QA QC departments testing is always participated in every stages of construction. Primarily NDT methods are Radiographic Testing , Magnetic Particle Testing , Liquid Penetrant Testing , Ultrasonic Testing , Visual Testing etc. Secondarily Eddy Current Testing, leak test , vacuum box testing ,positive material identification (pmi) , oil chalk test etc and more other methods also there. Learning and understanding the features and methods of NDT can boost your career dreams either in oil and gas or in other industries. Radiographic and Ultrasonic Technicians are getting reasonable payments in these days. By completing this course one can perform the duties of RT Technician , RT Film Interpreter , MPT Technician , UT Technician , PT Technician , PMI Technician , Vacuum Box Technician , Visual Inspector , PWHT Technician etc. There are many opportunities for skilled technicians all over the world. India , Middle east ,Europe requires many numbers of technicians always. Non-destructive testing is used for condition assessment and quality control in a wide range of industries, which include (but are not limited to):Mining ,Automotive , Oil and gas ,Medical Devices ,Aerospace, Maritime ,Military and defense , Power generation , Manufacturing , Packaging , Waste Management etc. There are many institutes conducting ndt course in kerala , but ,RAZI stays always in the best ndt training in kerala provides 100% industry expert lecturers.

  • Duration : 3 Months
  • Qualification : Plus Two/ITI
  • We Provie 100% Placement Guarantee

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Kerala, 676552(pin)

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